CLIENT: Eurostar
BRIEF: Design onboard safety cards for TMST, E300 and E320 trains
BRIEF: Design onboard safety cards for TMST, E300 and E320 trains
For all of my 12 years at Eurostar twelve years ago, onboard safety cards were known as an only-for-George job. Not the most creative of pieces, but an incredibly important one with the potential to save lives, as well as the responsibility of covering a wide range of legal requirements.
When Eurostar launched two new trains, I designed multiple cards, each carefully designed to reflect the subtle differences in the trains’ internal structures and functionality.
The bottom image is the original design – a tri-fold, portrait layout that ended up being pretty cramped. For my new design, I turned it sideways and made it a four-fold, with each section colour-coded for quick reference in an emergency. I also worked with the copywriters to cut the copy as much as possible to increase the clarity.

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